Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The lovely Jessica Palmer of Bioephemera recently gave Cloven Hoof a little mention in one of her final blog posts.

Incidentally, the Cleopatra necklace Jessica mentions is on sale right now on Catbird's website. You can take a peek at it here.

Sadly, Jessica is going on an indefinite hiatus, but you can (and should!) go though the archives and look through all of her old posts. Bioephemera has been one of my favorite blogs for the last three years and I hope she comes back soon.

1 comment:

bioephemera said...

It was a much-deserved acknowledgment I was glad to squeeze in before quitting! Cloven hoof is a wonderful source for unique, attention-grabbing, sciart jewelry, and I hope I help a few people discover you. Best,
